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ALERT: Missing Blind File Sharing

At the moment, our .mp3s at Blind File Sharing are inaccessible. We’re linking the current direct downloads to the archive.org links until we find out what’s going on, but for the time being, please use those Internet Archive links to download all episodes. Thanks!

3 Responses to “ALERT: Missing Blind File Sharing”

  1. Carin Says:

    I feel your pain. We used BlindFileSharing as well. On July 22, the domain expired with no notice. We just discovered it yesterday when we went to, um, use it. I assume since you’re using an alternate place to store your stuff, you don’t have the IP of the FTP server? But if you do know it, shoot me an email. If I could use it to get my data back, that would make my life hella easier. Thanks in advance.

  2. Carin Says:

    Go look! Just go! BFS lives again. Can’t say for how long, but it’s up! I’m just sucking files off there at warp speed as we speak. *epic sigh of relief.*

  3. admin Says:

    Thanks a lot, Carin. I was able to get a couple things downloaded that I haven’t put on IA yet, and though things seem stable over there, I’ve received no communication with anyone involved with BFS, so I’m going to keep phasing out and staying over at IA. The perennial lesson is made again to always have backups somewhere. Glad it worked out for you, and sorry to everyone for the trouble.

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