When I started taking a break from MFTB to work on more paid description, I never expected to be away for more than two months, but here we are. I think it’s time to give you some idea of what I’ve been up to while you’ve hopefully been digging through the archives here.
Most of my work has been with the amazing folks at the DCMP (Described and Captioned Media Program), who have a huge library of accessible educational videos for schools and students. I’ve been writing and sometimes producing several dozens of films of all kinds. Here are a couple examples.
A clip from “Dinner For Two” via YouTube:
A clip from “The Hermitage Dwellers” via YouTube:
I’ve also been lucky to work with long-time friends ExtremeReach/Mijo on all kinds of shows for the Canadian tv network APTN, which is dedicated to programming by, for and about Aboriginal people throughout the country and around the world. Sorry there aren’t examples of description online, but the shows I’ve been writing and producing description for range from the really sweet show for pre-schoolers “Louis Says”, to the informative “Down2Earth” about Native work on maintaining the environment, to the second season of the American mystery series “Longmire”.
Usually I can keep MFTB going when I’m working on one of these two streams of projects. But since spring, I’ve been working on both of them – and more! Hopefully, you can understand why I had to step away for a while. But of course it also means I’m making a living providing more description of more kinds of programming for more people, and that can only be good! Still, it’s looking like the busiest time is starting to wind down for now, so sooner rather than later, I’ll be ready to get back to MFTB, and we can all look forward to great stuff as we move toward Episode 300. So stay tuned, and thanks!